
Todoist desktop app
Todoist desktop app

todoist desktop app

When I started I had a SHOPPING project, then I applied tags for Home, Work, Pharmacy, etc. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the best ways to implement projects, labels (tags), colors and filters (smart searches).īecause it's so flexible it can be customized many ways and therefore get complicated. (Note: starting in December 2018 the yearly price for new premium users will rise from $29 to $36, the first price increase in several years.) I liked the app enough in the free version that I signed up for a year of premium. The day-to-day is quite nice, the sync/interface between desktop-web-mobile is excellent, and the option levels of simplicity make Todoist a great solution, but these UX issues stop me from making a full investment at this time. While I understand the cross platform purposes as the probable reason to host (and thus charge) its syncing service in the Premium, the lack of alternative options (CalDAV, Google, Dropbox) makes it feel like a forced requirement to purchase a recurring subscription. If you make the subs recurring, then the entries appear twice: under the parent and again on the parent level. So if your parent repeats weekly ("Review timesheets"), the subs ("Tom time", "Mary time") will not once these are clicked done. Subtasks are almost a given these days for these type apps, but for some reason (and not seen as a priority), Todoist does not allow for recurring subtasks within a recurring parent. Sure, you can hide it, but what's the purpose of the menu bar then which shows or provides little functionality other than to state the number of outstanding to-do's and to "open" the main desktop which really means to switch to it as it's already opened. I don't care for the Mac OS version requiring to be opened when the menu bar app could be sufficient (eg – Fantastical). While I liked many aspects of Todoist (simplicity, clean UI, cross platform), there are some things that make this really hard to accept. Tried this for a good solid 3 weeks in conjunction with my regular to-do app, 2Do.

Todoist desktop app